Mera 2002
I have read all thirteen messages. I agree with you all about being worried. it seems that 50% of adults have HPV. the only problem is that if you let them go untreated they become what is called dysplasia. I just had surgery done today on me to have them cauterized and removed one big one I had which grew so fas in a period of three months. Having the wart was painful, it was causing me to bleed a lot, my husband always wears condoms because I have asked him. It was sad because one day during intimacy, I had some bleeding after it and he wondered and asked me what was wrong. it was a long story because I recall that when I was in high school I had a boyfriend who was older than I was then, and he had the funny little bastards on his you know. well, nothing ever happened to me, sometimes, I had to use the compuound W, but this year when I turned 40, and just recently the little kritters were having a fist in me. now, I am glad because today they were removed, the pain is gone. Also I had been applyting to the area, Tea Tree Oil, Thuja herb liquid, and E-oil. another product I used along with this is Condysil and Kontrole. I believe this things dry them out and they become crusty and fall off but it takes awhile, so that's why I had the doctor do his part, let me all know if you'd like to share info. I'm in California and I am going to have my husband read this forum so that he is aware, I am not alone and we are not alone. thank you all, just keep a positive mind and wear the latex.