I also have tinnitus but the only time I have headaches associated with it is when I am subjected to loud noises for to long. I hear the crickets, ringing and buzzing. When it first occured I woke up in the middle of the night and my ear was roaring, like when you hold a shell to your ear, but about 10 times worse. I went to an ear, nose and throat secialist. They examined my ears and gave me a hearing test. They seemed to be surprized that at the age of 44 I had the hearing of a 20 year old, as they put it. I paid them $168.00 so they could tell me that they did not know what caused it and could not tell me how to get rid of it. They did give me a list of preprinted recommendations to follow. Through trial and error I have found what works best for me. Their recommendations were, avoid tobacco, caffene, alcohol, salt and wear earplugs in very noisy situations. Also of course, they always throw in eat a balanced diet and get plenty of rest. I have found that for me, cutting back on caffene, getting more rest, not listening to loud music or tv and wearing earplugs around noisy machinery helped me a lot. I do still hear the crickets sometimes but for that I turn on a fan, the sound of that or a radio or tv turned down low blocks the sound of the crickets somehow. Good Luck