I feel for you...bothe of my sons HAD asthma so bad, weekly breathing treatments in the ER weekly, inhalers,etc. At the time, we were renting a house-very old carpeting... I purchased my own steamcleaner and used it every other week. It may have helped alittle bit. One year later-we built our own home-and I REFUSED to put carpting in at all. All tile. I cannot believt the difference it has made-and it was immediate relief for the boys. They are 15 and 16 now-can play school sports, etc. We do keep inhalers in the house-just in case-but they never use the-the inhaler actually expire (date). SOOOOO----if people think yuor nuts because you believe the carpet is making you sick...I've been there- Not having carpet in our home has changed our childrens lives. Good luck. I hope you do get some relief.