My latest grandchild was born April 28, 2001. The last weeks of my daughter-in-laws pregnancy he was very active. Labor was induced on the 28th due to a concern that the mother’s gestation diabetes might hurt the baby. The mother’s gestation diabetes had been under control with medication [shots] and diet. The mother does not have diabetes but it does run in her family. The baby was about 3 weeks early when delivered. The baby was called a “floppy” baby because it seemed to have no muscle control. It tires easy, sleeps most of the time and is not strong enough to suck from breast or bottle. He was fed from a tube in the nose the first week, then with a special bottle that basically pours a couple drops in and then he swallows. This swallowing tires him very much. He seldom is awake and his movement is not much. He can cry weakly though seldom does. The doctors have run every test they can think of and all but his blood pressure is normal. His blood pressure is about 90/60. His testicles have not dropped at this time either but again all related tests have shown him as a normal male. Has anyone got any ideas where to go from here? He weighed 6 lbs 8 oz at birth and was 20 inches in length. Thanks, Grandpa