I am a confused mother of three, my nine year old son has walked on his tiptoes since he began walking. He is clumbsy and very sensitive. His learning has been slower in arithmetic than other children. He has trouble making and keeping friends and is very easily lead. He steals things that have no importance to him, and has done since i can remember. He lies constantly and finds it difficult to listen attentively when at home but at school appears to be an angel, perfect school records to date apart from an incident that required strict handling for his sake regarding carrying a pen knife. I am confused because he is showing signs of dyspraxia and i dont know where to go next or who to talk too. I would like to think that i am being fair in investigating this, but am afraid of hitting a brick wall and not being understood. Does anyone else have similar problems to these before they found out what the main cause was or am i just over-reacting. I would appreciate any advice that anyone could give me on this subject. Thanks in advance.