have you tried medication? it does not get rid of bi-p0lar, but it helps to lessen the extremes of the disorder. When I worked, i sometimes felt very out of place. i was a good worker, not very prompt and i went through years where i missed more days than i would like to admit, but i did find it hard to interact with other employees. i preferred to worked in my own space by myself and i think that others preferred it that way too. there would be days when i could not keep myself from crying. the tears were uncontrolable. other times it felt like i had so much energy i felt exuberant. i talked constantly and that's mostly when i used to get myself in trouble with other enployees. They changed my departments every six months to a year, but i made it through fifteen years there. Variety is the spice of life i guess, because i would never have made it without the job activity changes. i have other problems besides being bi-polar and i am currently not in the workforce. in my opinion i think that you should, if you have not already,investigate with a psychologist and psychiatrist what they could do to help you manage your bi-polar disorder. it is not fun to live with, sometimes its a nightmare and people do not understand the mood swings. good luck to you in whatever you do.