Physical therapy is what will help... be careful of exercise.. cause it depends on which disc is involved... and what type exercise you do ... it could be made worse... Physical therapy is a coping method... It will help relieve some pain.. help you cope... BUT a herniated or buldging disc don't heal and go away on its own... and exercise don't heal it... if some swelling goes down..and sciatic nerve has less pressure.. pain level goes down.. BUT you'd better see a physical therapist and be doing the right exercies or stretching... More of the stretching is what is usually done to help alieve pain... IF you want it FIXED... go to a Neuro surgeon..and get it fixed... IF a sciatic nerve is pressed too much.. YOU can end up with permanent nerve damage in your feet... which is not fun...I KNOW>. I went with a buldging disc for yrs MISDIAGNOISED>> as a hip problem and ignored by drs..I was told women have periods and they have back aches... Finally the thing ruptured... thought i was going in same.. before it ruptured I had developed such a severe lateral shift thru the hips..I was unable to walk! I got permanent nerve damage in my R foot and am about ready to go ahead and go on disability... don't take that crap about letting it go... GO get it fixed before it gets that bad