Therese, I understand perfectly. Although as an adult I have not been in and out of the hospital but as a child I was. I look back and believe that my EBV undiagosed as a child could have answered why I was sick in the hospital all the time and had chronic sore throats. It wasn't until I was about 27 that I was diagnosed after not being able to keep my head up from my desk at work in the afternoons that lead to my bloodwork to find out what was wrong. My symptoms of fatigue have dissipated but stress can induce it. I am very physically active but have had periods of times where I don't feel like going to the gym. I do understand. There are times that I need to just lay down and I have to have 8-9 hours of sleep. I keep exercising and it does help the fatigue. I workout even when I don't feel like it. I personally believe that the exercising helps. You are not losing your mind! Others who don't have this condition don't understand and yes it does cause us to become depressed. I have been down that road due to other environmental factors in addition to the EBV, but have been able to overcome the depression and get off my meds. Let me know if you need to validate anything else that EBV has caused you to go through!