Hello everyone. What a wonderful site this is! I am so impressed with the support being offered. I also would like to help anyone I can. I am 36 years old and was born missing my right pectorlais major muscle and most of my right latissimus dorsi muscle. My right scapula is smaller and irregularly shaped and my right arm length is about .25-.5 inch shorter than my left. It sounds worse than it is. Amazingly, it was only last week that I learned the diagnosis of my condition when I started looking into reconstructive surgery. By trade I'm a trial lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice claims. My undergrad degree is in biology (pre-med) and I worked three years in an ER. So I am familiar with anatomy but also complications. I guess I was fortunate that the love of my family gave me the strength to overcome many life challenges posed by my condition. I have never worn a prosthetic and often have gone shirtless. In my adolescence, I was an All-Star pitcher and a quarterback. I played college basketball (I'm 6'6") and shirtless beach volleyball. Most recently, I completed a Body-For-Life body transformation challenge and reduced my bodyfat to 4% giving me a washboard stomach. Despite my defect if you will, I've been asked to submit photos to Men's Health magazine. Although I am currently single as my first engagement recently ended, I have never felt rejected because of my problem. I think most have considered it a blessing - a humbling feature. This is my first day to this site but I hope whoever is interested in gaining more insight into my perspective will feel free to contact me. I can also send you photos if you'd like. And for all the ladies with PS, never forget your true beauty comes from your heart and that it is your uniqueness that makes you special. Danny