Well it is day 9 and it was the best thing i could have done before my surgery was to read these messages. As i went through the experience some things that i picked up on, i used to my advantange. It was also helpful to know in advance what it would be like. Did it hurt like hell YES! I am 43 years old and had an abscessed tonsil, a pocket that would put pressure on the back of the muscle group behind the the tonsil. I was choking up food particles from this abscess at least once a month. The doctor had to dig further into the muscle to repair the damage created by it. Only advice I can share is to drink, drink, drink. No matter how hard it is. Also note that your mouth will get plenty of ulcers on the tongue and other arears do to the chemical change from the tonsilectomy. You may want to have the doctor prescribe a prescription, like i did, for this imbalance in your mouth's chemistry. I had lots of trouble eating because of the ulcers than i did the tonsilectomy. One last thing, BUY A VAPORIZER! It will help keep the air moist that you breath near your bed. Good luck to any one next in line and i hope all a very speedy recovery. Greg